Entries by bbpadmin

Don’t Settle for Less Than a Highly Accurate EBITDA

  If you, as the seller, want to receive the best price for your business, it’s essential to understand that your adjusted or normalized EBITDA will serve as the foundation for the purchase price. This EBITDA will be used as a multiple to negotiate the final price. Every dollar counts; for example, if your EBITDA […]

EBITDA and What It Means for Selling Your Business

Selling a business is rarely as straightforward or fast as business owners would like. Unless you’ve sold a business before, there will be unforeseen obstacles. Even if you’ve sold a business before, you will likely run into hurdles along the way. The fact that every business is different, and this impacts the variables associated with […]

Unlocking Your Potential Through Business Ownership

As a business owner, you gain freedom and the potential to earn more than you might otherwise earn. If you are ready to tackle the hard work involved in business ownership, you may be prepared to take the next step. Two main advantages to being a business owner include forging ahead with more freedom and […]

Selling Your Business: Key Questions and Answers

Selling your business is a significant decision. You’ve invested considerable time, money, and effort into building and running it—perhaps it even represents your life’s work. Now that you’ve decided it’s time to sell, getting the best professional advice is crucial. This is where working with a professional business broker can be the key to not […]

The Critical Role of Storytelling in Selling a Business

Every business has a story to tell. In fact, selling a business involves the art of storytelling as you must pique interest and enthusiasm in the mind of the buyer. Through storytelling, you can convey not only the history of a business, but also its future.  Good business brokers and M&A advisors are storytellers who […]

How Inexperience Can Impact Your Business Sale

The lessons learned through hands-on experience are often irreplaceable. When it comes to selling or transferring ownership of a business, inexperience can be particularly troublesome. Many business brokers and M&A advisors have observed firsthand the jeopardy business owners can face when they either attempt to sell their business on their own or engage someone without […]

Unraveling the Complex Realities of Valuations

Determining an accurate valuation for a company is far from straightforward. It involves a range of complex, and often rapidly changing, factors. The challenge is compounded by the fact that some aspects of valuation are inherently subjective. This means that different professionals might ultimately arrive at different conclusions. Despite these challenges, we can establish ways […]

What You Need to Know About Family Business Legacy and Transition

Family businesses are quite common. Estimates suggest there are more than 5 million family businesses in the United States alone. While family businesses are prevalent, this does not diminish their unique nature, as a family business often plays a central role in the family’s identity. Family members are typically deeply attached to the business and […]

The Invaluable Benefits of Working with A Business Broker

One of the worst mistakes any business owner can make is neglecting their business during the sales process. It is quite common for sellers to become overwhelmed, lose focus, and see their business suffer as a result. The last thing any business owner wants is for their business to encounter problems right before it is […]

Selling Your Business Like a Pro

Having a player mindset when selling a business can be a real gamechanger. The goal with this approach is to steer clear from coming across as desperate or highly motivated to sell. Instead, a seller who embraces a player mindset operates from a position of strength. It’s all about realizing you have something of value […]

Strategic Negotiation: Essential Tactics for Deal Success

Negotiation can evoke a range of feelings: some people thrive on it, others dread it, and many fall somewhere in between. Regardless of your stance, the ultimate goal remains the same: to emerge successfully from the negotiation. Mastering effective negotiation methods and tactics can give you an edge where others might falter. The objective is […]

5 Essential Tips for Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a crucial platform for professionals serious about business. Its versatility allows business owners to harness its potential in numerous ways. By implementing the following tips, you can enhance your LinkedIn profile to attract more leads and expand your network rapidly. 1. Send Connection Requests Initiate by actively sending connection requests. Most LinkedIn users […]

The Critical Importance of Confidentiality in Selling Your Business

Maintaining confidentiality should be placed at the top of your “to-do” list when selling a business. The tremendous importance of maintaining confidentiality is difficult to overstate and stands as one of the key reasons that any seller should opt to work with a business broker or M&A advisor. Every seller should remember that a breach […]

Understanding the Complexities of Buyer Motivation

Negotiations can often be both perplexing and delicate. A simple misstep can jeopardize what could have been a great deal. One key but often overlooked tool in any negotiation is to pause and consider the wants, needs, and desires of the other party. Contemplating the ideal outcome for them can work wonders. Understanding what motivates […]

Considering Seller Financing

Many sellers are surprised to learn that seller financing is very common. In fact, sellers should realize that there is a good chance that in order to sell their business, they will have to consider offering seller financing.  What is Seller Financing? Seller financing essentially occurs when the seller provides a loan to cover some […]

Unlocking Business Potential with Strong Recurring Revenue

Everyone loves recurring revenue and for good reason. When buyers see recurring revenue, they instantly know that a business is stable, has positive cash flow, and, importantly, has room for potential future growth. There is no way around the fact that buyers want a business to be predictable. In short, buyers want to see consistency […]

The Emotional Side of Selling Your Business

It is easy to get lost in the numbers when it comes to selling your business, but it is important to remember that the numbers only tell one side of the story. Both buying and selling a business come with significant mental and emotional ramifications.  Why is this so critical to understand? Sellers who are […]

Why Should You Buy an Established Business?

A pre-existing business is a proven commodity. A new business, regardless of how great your idea may be, will always have a future that is uncertain. You can hire many consultants and plan meticulously. Yet, even with the best ideas and most experienced consultants, your newly minted business could still quickly fail. A business with […]

What Should You Expect from Your Business Intermediary?

Eventually every business owner needs to sell or think about who will take over their business when they retire. Working with an intermediary is an easy and streamlined way to jumpstart the process and learn what mistakes to avoid. A business broker or M&A advisor can help you to understand what steps to take to […]

How to Save a Deal

Few business owners truly understand the complex dynamics of making a deal. Having never participated in selling a business before, the majority of business owners are blissfully unaware of what it takes to turn the dream of selling a business into a reality. Having a brokerage professional by their side is an easy way for […]

How Business Owners Can Leverage AI

Artificial Intelligence has certainly received more than a bit of attention in the last two years. It’s no wonder that many business owners wonder how best to use this tool to gain an edge over the competition. Currently, the cost of ChatGPT-4 is only $20 per month, which is a very nominal cost considering its […]

Options for Family Owned Businesses

If you own a family-owned business, you may feel as though there are more factors to consider when it’s time to sell. In this article, we’ll examine some of the best options that business owners can use. You’ll want to keep in mind that both internal and external strategies are available to you. Let’s take […]

Understanding the Modern Buyer

A key part of the American Dream is the notion of being financially independent and controlling one’s own fate. While times have changed, the idea of the American Dream is alive and well. Entrepreneurs have long realized that one of the quickest ways of achieving this dream is to own a successful business.  The majority […]

The Top Four Reasons Why Deals Fall Apart

It takes a lot of work to buy or sell a business. When a once promising deal is not successful, this can be due to a wide array of reasons. However, understanding the reasons why a deal can fall apart in advance can serve to dramatically increase your odds of success. Some of the reasons […]

6 Critically Important Aspects of Due Diligence

Performing due diligence as a part of your company’s annual review is a smart move and one that can help your business in a range of ways. Through this means, if the day comes that you need or want to sell, then you’re ready to go. There are six key areas of due diligence that […]

Steps for a Successful Closing

The closing is a pivotal moment in the history of a business as it marks the formal transfer of a business from one party to the next. Behind every successful closing is months of focus and hard work. Simply stated, a successful closing doesn’t just happen, but is instead the byproduct of extensive negotiations.  One […]

Lack of Experience Can Be a True Deal Killer

Most business owners are experts at running their specific businesses. They are not necessarily experts at selling businesses. This is where working with a seasoned brokerage professional can prove to be invaluable.  As it turns out, there are endless examples of people trying to save money by simply finding an MBA to handle the sale […]

What Can Negatively Impact Your Chances of a Sale?

The last thing that any business owner wants is for a sale to fall through over something that was completely preventable. The good news is that with proper preparation and planning, these mistakes can be minimized or avoided altogether. Workforce Issues One of the top mistakes that business owners can make is allowing for an […]

What You Need to Know About the Confidential Business Review

There are many different strategies that will likely be deployed during the sales process. In this article, we’ll focus on how to utilize the Confidential Business Review CBR and/or CIM. Frequently, the Confidential Business Review is also referred to as a Confidential Information Memorandum. But no matter what name is used, the CBR/CIM provides a […]

Making the Most Out of Your Confidentiality Agreements

Great deals can quickly be derailed when confidentiality agreements are not properly used and observed. The number of headaches that can occur due to a failure to follow the requirements of a confidentiality agreement are rather extensive. Whether it is employees discovering the potential sale, to the loss of key customers or even alerting a […]

Discovering How to Leverage SBA Lending Options

For most entrepreneurs, finding the money to launch their first business stands as a tremendous challenge. The good news is that getting a loan through the Small Business Association (SBA) is turning out to be a viable option for many business owners. The SBA doesn’t directly provide loans itself, but instead, works to facilitate lending. […]

Employees and the Long-Term Success of Your Business

There can be no doubt that the quality of your employees will directly impact the quality of your business and its long-term value. Employee quality and the success of your business are intrinsically linked. Unfortunately, far too many entrepreneurs learn this lesson too late, and their businesses suffer as a consequence. Employees who do not […]

How Can You Find the Ideal Buyer for Your Business?

In the day-to-day routine of running your business, it is easy to forget that eventually the day will come when you need to sell. The last thing that any business owner wishes to discover is that they are ready to exit, but they are hopelessly underprepared. One of the key ways to prevent this from […]

Key Steps for All First Time Buyers

Are you a first-time business buyer? If so, it is critical that you work with a business broker or M&A advisor. If you’ve never purchased a business before, you simply can’t anticipate all that is involved in buying a business.  Buying a business is vastly different than buying a home, which is typically the largest […]

What Are the Financial Considerations of Seller Financing?

Deciding how the purchase of a business should be structured is no small task. If you are planning to help finance the sale of your business, you’ll want to tackle this issue very early in the sale process. When it comes to small business sales, a high percentage of deals include some seller financing. Here […]

Prepare for Your Exit When You Launch Your Business

You’ll often hear business brokers and M&A advisors say that the right time to prepare for your exit is when you first launch. By that they mean that it’s important to always be thinking about how to optimize your business so that it is streamlined for an eventual sale.  Some of the savviest entrepreneurs and […]

The Different Buyers You Might Encounter

If you’re selling a business for the first time, you might have a preconceived notion of the type of buyer that’s most likely to purchase your business. However, the truth is that sellers often get competitive and attractive offers from buyers that they were not expecting to have an interest in their business. Let’s take […]

The Complexities of Business Valuations

Many buyers and sellers are not aware of the complexities that go into appraisals for businesses. To get the most accurate results, a business needs to be looked at from a variety of angles. When completing a business valuation, we look at everything from comparable businesses to EBITDA. There are a lot of nuances involved […]

Why Do Sellers Often Face an Array of Surprises?

Experts recommend that sellers prepare years before they plan to put their businesses up for sale, and there are many good reasons why they make this recommendation. A wide range of factors can interfere with the sale of a business, ranging from life changes like divorce and burnout to a new competitor moving into town. […]

The Main Reasons Why the Sale of Your Business Can Fall Through

Selling any business can be complicated. Finding the right buyer is one hurdle that must be overcome. However, even once the right buyer has been found, there are still many reasons why a deal can collapse.  Unpredicted Events  It is important to realize that you can do everything perfectly and “acts of fate” can still […]

Help Buyers to Understand How You Excel

No business is perfect, but when you are preparing your business to be sold, it is imperative that you lead with your strengths. That’s why it is important to work with a business broker or M&A advisor to identify, catalog and work to remedy any weaknesses. When presenting your business to prospective buyers, focus on […]

Four Questions to Ask Yourself Before Purchasing a Business

Truly understanding a business is much like understanding the condition of a car. It is necessary for a skilled mechanic to “pop the hood” to access the true condition of a car. In much the same way, you and your team of experts need to “pop the hood” of the business in order to understand […]

Take These Steps Before Buying a Business

If you’re buying a business, you might be feeling overwhelmed about all the details that are involved, especially if it’s your first business. Buying a business is certainly no small task, and that’s why you’ll want to dive into the process headfirst and make sure that you’ve carefully examined the business.  Here are some of […]

Why You Should Address Your Company’s Weaknesses Head On

By spotting your company’s weaknesses you can take steps to remedy them and improve operations, however, this is only the beginning of the benefits derived from spotting these types of issues. You should be the world’s foremost expert on your company and the investment that it represents. Identifying and repairing any negative issues will pay […]

Getting the Most out of a Partnership Agreement

As an entrepreneur and business owner, your partnership agreement stands as one of the most important business documents you will sign. Business structures can be as complicated as the people that create those businesses. Quite often, business owners create businesses with friends or loved ones and, as a result, will not have a proper partnership […]

3 Tips for Mapping out An Easy Retirement Transition

Business owners are usually too busy running their business to deal with the fact that retirement will arrive one day. Ultimately, every business owner walks away from their business. The sooner you start preparing for that day, the better off you’ll be. Whether it is an established location, relationships with customers and suppliers, or an […]

What is the Best Time to Sell Your Company?

The old saying that “timing is everything,” usually applies to selling one’s business. Ultimately, every business owner will have to exit their business, and the sooner one prepares to sell, the better the final results will be.  With each passing year, more and more baby boomers are reaching retirement age. In many cases, this means […]

Why is Employee Satisfaction So Important?

Your employees are the heart and soul of your business. Therefore, if you want a thriving business, you need to put their satisfaction at the top of your list. After all, if your employees are not happy, this level of negativity will eventually spread to your customers and clients. Before you know it, you may […]

What Serious Buyers Look For

Obviously, serious buyers want to carefully look at the financials of a company under consideration and all of the other major aspects of the company. However, there are a few other areas that the serious buyer will investigate that sellers may overlook. The Industry – The buyer will want to take a serious look at […]

The Benefits of an Advisory Council

Experts recommend considering adding an advisory council to your business. This informal board would provide strategic advice on business management related issues. An advisory council would be in place to provide advice to your business, but unlike a board of directors, they will not actually make the key decisions. Further, while a board of directors […]

Cultivating Your Brand Strategy

Your brand is a customer’s perception about your business. It determines how they feel about the services and product that you offer. A consistent brand message over time will shape what clients and customers think about you and what you stand for. As a business owner, you need to be able to answer the following […]

An Overview of Term Sheets

If you’re planning on a business agreement to buy or sell a business, you’ll want to know about term sheets. These non-binding agreements will help with progress for both parties. The information covered in the term sheet should include everything from pricing and terms to special considerations. You can expect it to be between one […]